Managing your Target Visa or Mastercard balance is quick and easy. Whether online, by phone, or in-store, these methods ensure you stay on top of your available funds.
Check Balance Online
You can check your balance through the official MyBalanceNow website:
- Visit
- Enter your card details, including the card number, expiration date, and CVV (3-digit security code on the back).
- Click “Continue” to view your balance and recent transactions.
Check Balance By Phone
Another simple option is to call customer support:
- Dial the customer service number listed on the back of your Target Visa Gift Card.
- Follow the automated prompts to enter your card information.
- Listen for your balance and recent transaction details.
Check Balance In-Store
Visit your nearest Target store for assistance:
- Approach a cashier or the customer service desk.
- Provide your gift card details upon request.
- They will check and share your card’s balance with you.
Regular Target Gift Cards
For standard Target gift cards (not Visa or Mastercard-branded):
- Go to the Target Gift Card Balance page.
- Remove the scratch-off strip on the back of your card to reveal the card and access numbers.
- Enter the card and access numbers into the provided fields.
- Click “Check Balance” to view your funds.
By using any of these methods, you can keep track of your Target Visa or regular Target gift card balance effortlessly.
Tips for a Smooth Balance Check
- Ensure your card is activated and registered on the portal.
- Have all necessary card details ready for logging in.
- Use a stable and secure internet connection.
For further assistance or questions about checking your balance or using the MyBalanceNow portal, don’t hesitate to reach out to the customer support team.