Managing your Target Visa or Mastercard balance is quick and easy. Whether online, by phone, or in-store, these methods ensure you stay on top of your available funds.

Check Balance Online

You can check your balance through the official MyBalanceNow website:

  • Visit
  • Enter your card details, including the card number, expiration date, and CVV (3-digit security code on the back).
  • Click “Continue” to view your balance and recent transactions.

Check Balance By Phone

Another simple option is to call customer support:

  • Dial the customer service number listed on the back of your Target Visa Gift Card.
  • Follow the automated prompts to enter your card information.
  • Listen for your balance and recent transaction details.

Check Balance In-Store

Visit your nearest Target store for assistance:

  • Approach a cashier or the customer service desk.
  • Provide your gift card details upon request.
  • They will check and share your card’s balance with you.

Regular Target Gift Cards

For standard Target gift cards (not Visa or Mastercard-branded):

  1. Go to the Target Gift Card Balance page.
  2. Remove the scratch-off strip on the back of your card to reveal the card and access numbers.
  3. Enter the card and access numbers into the provided fields.
  4. Click “Check Balance” to view your funds.

By using any of these methods, you can keep track of your Target Visa or regular Target gift card balance effortlessly.

Tips for a Smooth Balance Check

  • Ensure your card is activated and registered on the portal.
  • Have all necessary card details ready for logging in.
  • Use a stable and secure internet connection.

For further assistance or questions about checking your balance or using the MyBalanceNow portal, don’t hesitate to reach out to the customer support team.